web query
Managers can query reports in the PIRAMIS™ myLEADreport web-based self service query, if they possess the proper rights in the software, even on their mobile phones or tablets.
The managers can see their subordinate employees and their own data in these queries.
In PIRAMIS™ myLEADreport, the reports of the free-format lists created in
- the PIRAMIS™ Wage Program,
- the PIRAMIS™ Other partnerships, or
- the PIRAMIS™ Contractor Module
can be queried on the PIRAMIS™ myLEADreport web surface, if the company already uses the modules above.
A PIRAMIS™ VEZriport vezetői webes önkiszolgáló lekérdezésben a vezetők – megfelelő jogosultság birtokában – kimutatásokat kérhetnek le akár a mobiltelefonjukon, tabletjükön.
A vezetők a hozzájuk beosztott munkatársaik, illetve a saját adataikat láthatják ezekben a lekérdezésekben.
A PIRAMIS™ VEZriport a vállalat által már használatba vett
- PIRAMIS™ Bérprogramban
- PIRAMIS™ Egyéb partnerkapcsolatok, vagy
- PIRAMIS™ Vállalkozói modulban
kialakított szabad formátumú listák kimutatásait kérdezhetik le a PIRAMIS™ VEZriport webes felületén.
Main product properties
For easier navigation on the page, please click the links below
Listing options with freely parameterized content: The range of data that can be queried by the list can be compiled by the users according to their own needs in the desktop PIRAMIS ™ modules above. The adjustable parameters can include administrative, contractual, working time and freely extensible data, and data about legal titles that are connected to the payroll accounting.
The manager can query the absence information of his/her subordinates. When were you on sick leave? When will they be on leave?
Which of my employees has a fixed-term contract? When does his/her contract expire?
Central notification system
The feature provides the possibility to centrally set up e-mail notifications for employees and managers at company level.
Main product features include
- Centralised setting of employee and manager notifications
- Automatic e-mail notification to stakeholders based on centrally defined rules
- Notifications can be set up differently for each legal entity
- For each data related notification, you can specify when, how often and with which message the system should send the notification.