Management of data required from employers in PIRAMIS

The data services required from the employer simply
The PIRAMIS™ program provides the mandatory data reporting of the employers in format and content appropriate for the National Tax and Customs Administration Office, the Central Statistical Office, the National Health Insurance Fund Manager (NEAK) and the National Pension Insurance Directorate.

- T1041 – Declaration of insured persons, in the case of legal succession, special staff
- T1042E
- Monthly tax and contribution returns
- Their automatic collection
- Performing automatic corrections and self-checks
- Repayment of negative items
- Social contribution tax correction benefit – automatic repayment
- Aggregation per tax category and making self-check report
- Preliminary check is performed through the continuous installation of the error tests published by the NAV Form Filler, so the errors in the return can be corrected before they are read in by the form filler.
- SZJA (Personal Income Tax) data delivery for the year before the relevant year
- Monthly economic statistics report
- Annual Economic Statistics Report 1880/1
- Earning’s receipt in September 1118/1
- Report of the Ministry of Employment Policy and Labour, Statistics in May (1405)
- Automatic collection of Monthly Health Insurance Statistics Report
- CSED (infant care fee), GYED (childcare fee) – preparing quarterly reports
- Working time benefit for fathers
- Accounting the benefits paid by social security payment offices
- Working time benefit for fathers, quarterly summary
- Report of passive benefits
- AXA COLONIA Voluntary pension fund
- Bizalom Voluntary pension fund
- Hungária Voluntary pension fund
- OKNYP Voluntary pension fund
- OTP Voluntary pension fund
In the PIRAMIS ™ Payroll Module (wage program) the following data can be recorded to register the primary producers:
- Family farm’s registration number
- Number of the primary producer’s card
- Registration number
- Tax Code
In the data services, the data connected to the primary producers can also be collected.

The M30 employer certificate can be generated in the PIRAMIS ™ Data Service module. The program produces the certificates per employee or for the entire staff at the same time. The employees’ M30 certificates can be printed after collection.